It’s simply beyond the pale to bear witness day after day (ad nauseam) to the monstrous revenge campaign committed by Israel (funded & supported by the United States) against innocent civilians trapped in a squalid concentration camp surrounded by murderous, racist bullies and thugs and remain silent.
Pull the plug on Israeli occupation, apartheid, fascism, colonialism, and genocide. Immediately.
The tired old line (a fiction) that poor Israel "has a right to defend itself" is a hackneyed fallacy. Israel is nothing more than a modern postwar colony invented by racist Zionists and otherwise authorized by the UN at the behest of the United States and Britain — precisely because they (and Western powers) felt guilty for not doing much about the Holocaust.
American Jews (e.g., AIPAC) extort the world on this guilt and allow — indeed encourage — Israel to treat the Arab Palestinians in ways comparable — and equally as contemptible — as their former German Nazi persecutors. Where's the sense in that? There's none. It’s appalling and disgusting.
Moreover, stealing and occupying land that clearly belongs to someone else — the Arab Palestinians — is both illegal and immoral. The Palestinian response, however militant, is altogether rational — not “terrorism” but armed resistance. What happened on October 7 was essentially a jail break. What else does one expect of a captive, abused, desperate and hopeless prisoner of war trying to escape?
Furthermore, Israel's experiment in so-called "Jewish democracy" has failed miserably. It began with (and was sustained by) theft and brutal apartheid and has finally degenerated into genocide subsidized by the United States — which is complicit (and rightly condemned) for its unconditional aid and abetting mass murder. How can Israel call itself a “democracy” when it denies the indigenous inhabitants an equal vote and rights?
It’s a deviant grotesque charade that’s fundamentally racist and segregated, as it violates international law and commits war crimes with flagrant, arrogant impunity.
Defund Israel NOW!
Such obscene racist murder and destruction cannot be carried out in the name of the United States and/or “democracy” any longer. Demand a ceasefire immediately, force (by any/all means necessary) Israel to forfeit it’s illegal nuclear arsenal (just like Apartheid South Africa), and let Israel disintegrate into the dustbin of history as the abject failure and moral aberration it is.
Huelo Hale, Paumalu 2023
I should only add that Netanyahu, along with his entire cabinet and Israeli leadership, should be prosecuted in the international courts for war crimes.