Edis was a good man with a kind heart. We got to know each other after I covered the first Hague trial of Serb prison camp guard Dusko Tadic. We had long and very reasonable discussions about the break up of former Yugoslavia and the ongoing civil war. He always took a great interest in my work in Cambodia and was a supportive and encouraging friend. We briefly "house sat" your place on the beach at Sunset Point. I still have most of the boards that Owl shaped me and he and Jack glassed, sanded, and polished. 20 plus years old and all are still in perfect condition. I remember your young daughter Bruna joining us at his sad paddle out at Sunset. Gone but not forgotten.

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Edis never lacked curiosity and his presence always enhanced the experience. Our collective loss other than for the memories and the boards.

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I would liked to have met Edis. I think people who find surfing without the influence of parents or magazines or whatever, those who find it spontaneously have something similar running through their veins. And they see it in others and are drawn to them. I can sense that in Edis. Godspeed into the eternities.

Though “smells like teen spirit” from Nirvana was my first ever album obtained as a kid I for some reason never fully got into the sound. Guess it’s just not my flavor. But they certainly did and still do have a large influence and following, as evidenced by the bands and Kurts photographs still appearing on the covers of today’s pop culture magazines.

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In the pines where the sun never shines, listening to the cold wind blow . . .

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The Nirvana album which contains the mega-hit song "Smells Like Teen Spirit" is entitled Nevermind.

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